Sound More Native With Compound Adjectives! (2-Minute Guide)

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I hope you are all having a stress-free week, and are looking forward to a well-deserved weekend!


So, apart from being a lovely message…


Why is this sentence important?

Well, let's look at the adjectives I used: 'stress-free' and 'well-deserved'.

They look pretty cool, right?


Well, these high-quality, state-of-the-art adjectives are called: compound adjectives.

So, what are compound adjectives?


Well, firstly, they are a VERY EASY WAY TO SOUND MORE NATIVE...

(That's why I am teaching them to you).


Secondly, compound adjectives are when we mix two words together, to create a descriptive word (an adjective).


For example:

1) ‘Well-known’

2) ‘Old-fashioned’

3) ‘World-famous’

4) ‘Man-eating’


The interesting part is that these 2 words can be ANY type of words… (adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, past participles…)


As mentioned, these are simple, but effective. So, here is my challenge for you:

This week, when you are speaking English to someone, try to use at least one compound adjective!


Oh, you want more information?

Well, luckily, I have created a quick-guide, including the 25 most common ones, and a fun quiz at the end to test your knowledge. Enjoy!